PLAY! is an interactive scientific exhibition that engages visitors in the use and discovery of small games and simple experiments. In the exhibition, there are over 80 interactive objects, including games from the past and new technologies, allowing investigation and enjoyment of the main areas of physics: time, motion, fluids, sound, electromagnetism, and light. All of this becomes a lighthearted and spontaneous, yet scientifically rigorous pretext to approach and explore the scientific method.
OBJECTIVES Visiting PLAY! age is not a factor; we are all called to become children again and discover with surprise and amazement the wonder that surrounds us, in every small object, even in a simple game.
TARGET 5+ years old

Some exhibitions are the result of the project 'Students in the Game,' funded by the Caritro Foundation, involving four institutes: I.I. Lorenzo Guetti, L. Andrea Maffei, I.T.T. Buonarroti-Pozzo, and L.A. Alessandro Vittoria. Students from these institutes were the main protagonists in the conception and practical realization of these exhibitions.
Bring the traveling version of PLAY! to your school!
To facilitate the use of this exhibition by schools and students, we offer a traveling version:
WHAT – PLAY! is a modular exhibition, a path consisting of 6 sectors, each of which is composed of numerous objects. We can discuss together which sectors and objects are of interest, and we will bring them to you!
HOW – We will set up a space in your institution with this scientific path, offering all classes the opportunity to experience this exhibition. To assist teachers in this project, we also propose a specific training course to make the most of PLAY!
WHO – The path is suitable for students of all ages – primary, secondary of the first and second degree.
WHERE – In the auditorium, in the science laboratory, or in any classroom. We only need some desks, electrical outlets, and, based on the available square meters, we will evaluate the exhibition together.
HOW MUCH – The cost depends on the days you intend to rent the exhibition. Send us an email at info@leveluptrento.com for a personalized quote!

PLAY! originates from a project by the Laboratory of Communication of Physical Sciences at the University of Trento and has been reimagined and modernized by Level Up.
Follow us on social media for more photos and videos of PLAY!