Exhibition paths
Over the years, we have designed and implemented various exhibition paths related to the discovery of various physical phenomena. Our paths are suitable for both adults and children, featuring highly interactive installations that allow visitors to explore the presented phenomenon firsthand. Various technologies, such as headsets and screens of various types, are used in our exhibitions. All installations have been conceived and built in our maker space.
In everyday life, vision is the sense we rely on the most. Yet, it is often unreliable: much of what we see and think is objective, in fact, is not at all. The exhibition FAKE! reveals the limits of human vision, supplementing its presentation with a scientific description of the phenomena considered, thus overcoming the limits imposed by our senses.
Failures and deceptions of human vision
In everyday life, vision is the sense we rely on the most. Yet, it is often unreliable: much of what we see and think is objective, in fact, is not at all. The exhibition FAKE! reveals the limits of human vision, supplementing its presentation with a scientific description of the phenomena considered, thus overcoming the limits imposed by our senses.
Interactive exhibit between science and play

PLAY! is an interactive scientific exhibition that engages visitors in the use and discovery of small games and simple experiments. In the exhibition, you can find over 80 interactive objects, including games from the past and new technologies, allowing investigation and enjoyment of the main areas of physics: time, motion, fluids, sound, electromagnetism, and light. All of this becomes a lighthearted and spontaneous, yet scientifically rigorous pretext to approach and explore the scientific method.